
The Carolina Thread Trail

The Carolina Thread Trail is your regional network of connected greenways, trails and blueways that reaches 15 counties, 2 states and 2.9 million people. There are over 425 miles of trails and 170 miles of blueway open to the public – linking people to places, and communities to each other. The Thread Trail preserves our natural areas and is a place for recreation, transportation and conservation. This is a landmark project that provides public and community benefits for people of every age, every background and in every community in our region.

Our Mission
Creating a legacy of conservation and connectivity through a regional network of trails.

miles of blueway
miles of trails
miles to be built
million people connected

Upcoming Events

Catawba Lands Conservancy is the lead organization for the Carolina Thread Trail, working to save land in our region and connect lives to nature.

visit the clc website