About the campaign
The Carolina Thread Trail is directly tied to the viability of our region.
It makes people want to move here. And gets the people who live here moving.
When the Carolina Thread Trail took off over 15 years ago, no one could have imagined the holistic benefits across North and South Carolina since then, or the wholehearted community engagement. It is a brilliant system of greenways, blueways and natural surface trails weaving through farm communities, textile towns and big cities. Cherished by cyclists, hikers, kayakers and all lovers of the outdoors, the Carolina Thread Trail connects people to a sense of place, to the past, and to each other.
Even more remarkable is where the trail is headed: original master-planned miles have more than tripled to 1,600. The next five years are critical to making this happen.
Next steps: raise an additional $13 million in private funds and extend the trail another 200 miles in the next five years. We are already over $12 million towards this goal!
The path forward has been mapped out.
We need you to get there.
Campaign Chairpersons:
Tim Belk
Lat Purser
County Chairpersons:
Cabarrus: Alex Rankin, Harris Morrison
Catawba: Meg Nealon, Alison Holtzman
Chester: Tony Pope
Gaston: Bill Carstarphen
Lincoln: Delane Clark
Mecklenburg: Compie Newman
Stanly: Tom Webb
Trail Benefits
Trails, greenways and blueways provide innumerable benefits to our communities and enrich our lives in many ways.