What is the Carolina Thread Trail?
The Carolina Thread Trail is a regional network of trails that connect 2.9 million people in 15 counties in North and South Carolina. The Thread Trail is an example of unprecedented regional collaboration that works to connect people and communities to nature and each other through its 1,610 miles of trails, greenways and blueways.
Led by Catawba Lands Conservancy, the Carolina Thread Trail strengthens the region by promoting economic development, education, better health and land conservation.

The Foundation For The Carolinas convened more than 40 regional leaders and organizations to determine the region’s most pressing environmental needs and concerns. From that process, open space preservation surfaced as the number one priority and the idea for the Carolina Thread Trail was born.

The Carolina Thread Trail was successfully launched in 2007 as a project focused on preserving natural corridors and connecting people to nature through a network of connected trails.

110 miles of Thread Trail are complete and open to the public.

The Carolina Thread Trail Master Plan was officially adopted by all 15 counties.

Carolina Thread Trail celebrates its 10-year anniversary and kicks off its second capital campaign.

$5 million in grants distributed to communities.
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